New AI models detect online hate speech in Portuguese
A new study reveals that artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly adept at identifying hate speech…

Catarina Pontes and Pedro Fialho Present Studies Against Hate Speech in Portugal
Catarina Pontes and Pedro Fialho Present Studies Against Hate…

kNOwHATE launched #CortarOMalPelaRaiz, a campaign to inform and tackle online hate speech in Portugal
The kNOwHATE project launched the campaign #CortarOMalPelaRaiz…

Discurso de Ódio Online em Portugal: Que Presente e Que Futuro? – Final conference of the kNOwHATE project
The Analysis Of Online Hate Speech In Portugal Was Highlighted At The Final Conference…

Podcast “Cortar o Mal pela Raiz”- Ep.4
Participants in Ep.4 Cortar o Mal Pela Raiz – Nip evil in the bud, but how?..

Try out kNOwHATE Prototype for Detecting Online Hate Speech
Try out kNOwHATE Prototype for Detecting Online Hate Speech…

Podcast “Cortar o Mal pela Raiz”- Ep.3
Participants in Ep.3 Cortar o Mal Pela Raiz – Are the far right and hate speech friends?…

Researchers from kNOwHATE project present their work at NetSci 2024 in Canada
Researchers from kNOwHATE project present their work at NetSci 2024 in Canada…

Podcast “Cortar o Mal pela Raiz”- Ep.2
Participants in Ep.2 Cortar o Mal Pela Raiz – The different faces of hatred…

Podcast “Cortar o Mal pela Raiz”- Ep.1
Participants in Ep.1 Cortar o Mal Pela Raiz – Frontiers of Expression…

Hate speech in Twitter/X conversations
This article investigates the issue of hate speech in conversations on the Portuguese Twitter/X network, offering a multifaceted analysis of its characteristics.

Launch of the “Cortar o Mal pela Raiz” Podcast
International Day against Hate Speech launched…

III Symposium T&T: Automatic translation and natural language processing
Paula Carvalho present the results of kNOwHATE project …

After analyzing tens of thousands of comments and tweets, these are the preliminary results of the kNOwHATE project
After analyzing tens of thousands of comments and tweets…

Final Conference kNOwHATE Project: “Online hate speech in Portugal: What present and what future?
Final Conference kNOwHATE Project..

Conference Maria Benedita Monteiro
Rita Guerra, principal investigator of the kNOwHATE project, will participate…

kNOwHATE apresentado na inauguração do Iscte Conhecimento e Inovação
kNOwHATE apresentado na inauguração do Iscte Conhecimento e Inovação

kNOwHATE at the European Researchers’ Night 2023
kNOwHATE at the European Researchers’ Night 2023…

CPUP Spring School
The 1st edition of the CPUP Spring School will take place from May 25th to 27th, 2023, at the Faculty

hate speech: how to counteract? International Conference
hate speech: how to counteract? International Conference…

Iscte promotes information session dedicated to funding opportunities
The Research Support Office (GAI) of Iscte in collaboration with ANI-Agência Nacional de Inovação…

ANI promotes session on CERV and Horizon Europe programmes
ANI promotes session on CERV and Horizon Europe programmes….

From hate speech to its counter narratives
Hate speech is exponentiated by social networks. And only counter narratives…

Crisis, threats and opportunities: hate speech and online inclusion
At the 1st SocioDigital Lab Conference, which took place at Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon…