Two researchers from the kNOWHATE project presented at the IPMU 2024 - 20th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, held in Lisbon from July 22 to 26, 2024, two innovative studies on the detection and analysis of hate speech on digital platforms.
Catarina Pontes presented a study on the proliferation of hate speech on Twitter (now known as X) within the Portuguese-speaking community, using Social Network Analysis (SNA) to examine tweets from 2021 to 2022 flagged for hate speech content.
Catarina Pontes, António Fonseca, Sérgio Moro, Fernando Batista, Ricardo Ribeiro, Catarina Marques, Paula Carvalho, Cláudia Silva, Rita Guerra. "Unveiling Patterns of Hate Speech in the Portuguese Sphere: A Social Network Analysis Approach".

Pedro Fialho presented a study on models to identify counter-speech, based on an annotated dataset of comments on YouTube videos in Portuguese. A system was developed that is capable of identifying and combating hate speech in YouTube conversations.
Pedro Fialho, Ricardo Ribeiro, Fernando Batista, Gil Ramos, António Fonseca, Sérgio Moro, Rita Guerra, Paula Carvalho, Catarina Marques, Cláudia Silva. "Counter hate speech detection in Youtube conversations".

Both studies were accepted for publication in the prestigious Springer's Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems series, representing a significant contribution to the field of artificial intelligence and data analysis, and offering valuable tools for social media platforms in combating the spread of online hate speech.