What is kNOwHATE?
The kNOwHATE consortium, funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme, aims at offering an innovative, comprehensive, participatory, and culturally sensitive approach to analyze, detect, and counter, direct and indirect OHS in Portuguese language.
what's going on
New AI models detect online hate speech in Portuguese
A new study reveals that artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly adept at identifying hate speech…
Catarina Pontes and Pedro Fialho Present Studies Against Hate Speech in Portugal
Catarina Pontes and Pedro Fialho Present Studies Against Hate…
kNOwHATE launched #CortarOMalPelaRaiz, a campaign to inform and tackle online hate speech in Portugal
The kNOwHATE project launched the campaign #CortarOMalPelaRaiz…
Discurso de Ódio Online em Portugal: Que Presente e Que Futuro? – Final conference of the kNOwHATE project
The Analysis Of Online Hate Speech In Portugal Was Highlighted At The Final Conference…
Podcast “Cortar o Mal pela Raiz”- Ep.4
Participants in Ep.4 Cortar o Mal Pela Raiz – Nip evil in the bud, but how?..
Try out kNOwHATE Prototype for Detecting Online Hate Speech
Try out kNOwHATE Prototype for Detecting Online Hate Speech…
Podcast “Cortar o Mal pela Raiz”- Ep.3
Participants in Ep.3 Cortar o Mal Pela Raiz – Are the far right and hate speech friends?…
Researchers from kNOwHATE project present their work at NetSci 2024 in Canada
Researchers from kNOwHATE project present their work at NetSci 2024 in Canada…
Podcast “Cortar o Mal pela Raiz”- Ep.2
Participants in Ep.2 Cortar o Mal Pela Raiz – The different faces of hatred…
Podcast “Cortar o Mal pela Raiz”- Ep.1
Participants in Ep.1 Cortar o Mal Pela Raiz – Frontiers of Expression…
Research Units
Members of the kNOwHATE Project consortium
Members of the kNOwHATE
Project consortium

Funded by the European Union
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Knowhate Project. Neither the European Union nor the Knowhate Project can be held responsible for them.